10 Things That Don’t Really Matter To You In 5 Years Time

Amy Swift
4 min readDec 2, 2020

Sometimes, we just find ourselves in an anxious and stress-out state from the everyday ‘little things’ that we are continuously fighting to control. But, does they matter that much to our life?

Think back to five years ago, there were undoubtedly a countless number of things that you stressed and made yourself sick. Do they matter to you now? The answer is, probably not.

Life is too short to be wasted. And you should not waste your energy worrying about the things that will not mean a thing to you or your life in 5 years’ time.

Here are 10 examples of some of the things that don’t matter in your life, which you’ve placed too much importance on.

1. The “right time”.

Timing doesn’t matter when it comes to love. The choice is yours. If you believe you want something, timing is irrelevant. It should not matter if someone truly cares to be with you. Read it again.

2. The selfishness of other people.

People often put themselves first. Detaching from other’s selfish choices will keep you more realistic and liberated.

3. Your appearances.

How many strangers did you walk past today and how many of them are you still thinking about? You might have had snap-judgements, i.e. “she’s beautiful” or “his jacket is ugly,” but did you really put more time or effort into thinking about those ppl? The answer is no. Remember that most people wouldn’t spend that much time thinking about you either.

credit: heftiba

4. That spelling mistakes you made in a work email.

Everyone can make mistakes. Not only will these not matter in your life forever, they likely won’t matter in 2 days. So stop reminding yourself again and again of these tiny mistakes.

5. The inevitable frustrations of an average day.

99.9% of what’s stressing you out today won’t matter a month from now. Sooner or later you will know this for certain. So just do your best to let go of the nonsense, see things positive, and move forward with your life.

6. Maintaining relationships for the sake of it.

Relationships matter. However, being in a toxic relationship or maintaining ties simply out of obligation wears you down and incites negative emotions. So, it’s the quality of those relationship that count.

Age: 18–25, the age where you meet a lot of temporary people

Here I’d recommend this app on which you can find real relationships and meaningful connections. (Click here to download)

7. Winning every argument you get into

The desire to win every argument won’t make you look smarter, it will drag you down to a lower level and waste your time. So learn other ways of dealing with conflict efficiently.

8. Fantasies about perfection.

Striving to create something that is only an ideal is a waste of time. Nothing is perfect and you can put your energy on some actual things.

9. First impressions.

First impressions are important, but they don’t matter that much in our life. Trusting your instinct and placing too much importance on those so called “first impressions” can make you miss out on opportunities because you’re not willing to be open-minded.

10. Social media “likes”

How many likes do you send per day and how much do you actually remember the contents? You give too much value to the “likes” and gain little back from them for your real life.

Instagram Likes.( credit: karsten116)

So remember — don’t sweat the small stuff and when in doubt, ask yourself the all-important questions — “Will this matter to me in 5 years time?”

About Amy Swift: I’m working at Luxy, a selective dating app — download here. I’ve been providing dating advice to Luxy premium members to help maximize their results. If you like my writing here, applaud or leave your comments under below. Thank you so much for reading.

